This gallery contains your selection of HIGH resolution digital images. Upon request I can add all of your session images formatted for use on social media. The social files are labeled "SOCIAL".


*Our Family Clicks, LLC
License Agreement /Copyrights

OFC Clients: In short, this copyright agreement states that these photos are for YOUR personal use only and that you will not upload them to social media or other share site where they can be duplicated or printed. If you want to share online, please share directly from my website or use the watermarked images provided. Your family and friends may not use these digital images. You may upload them to a photo share site (such as shutterfly) for your personal use only. Your friends and family CAN NOT ORDER prints from that source. Please direct your fans to my website for ordering prints or purchasing digital downloads. Thank you for working with me to protect our images.

The owner ("Owner") of the copyrighted photograph or video being purchased (the "Work"), hereby grants you the non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, and perpetual right to use, reproduce and distribute the copyrighted Work for personal non-profit purposes, and to incorporate the copyrighted Work, in whole or in part, into derivative works for non-profit distribution.

You are prohibited from using the Work for any other purpose, including: using, reproducing or distributing the Work and/or materials incorporating all or any part of the Work for profit; selling or distributing electronic copies of the Work as standalone files or as part of a product from which a person is able to extract the Work as a standalone file; distributing the Work in or as part of an electronic template (e.g., as an image available in a word processing or web page creation application, uploading to photo share sites where images can be printed by others) intended to be reproduced by third parties on electronic or printed products; or using the Work as part of a trademark, service mark or logo.

Owner retains all other rights in the Work and any derivative work, including without limitation, the right to use, copy, sell, license, and distribute copies of the Work in all markets and territories. The Owner agrees to allow the Photographer to use any of the images in advertising in print or online and agrees to not include the Owners name or any subjects in the image.

In consideration for the grant of this non-exclusive license, you agree to pay Owner the amount specified, due and payable immediately prior to your downloading a digital copy of the Work.

This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws designated by the State of Colorado and the Owner, now or in the future
This gallery will be available through February 28, 2025. Remind me again later